New Years' Resolutions Getting the Best of You?
By: Sarah Mertyris, CMT and Lisa Sullivan, CMT
We do it every year; we make resolutions to lose weight, eat better, start exercising, etc. We start off the New Year with the best of intentions and within a few weeks (right about now) we start falling back into old habits, get sore, get hurt, or otherwise get distracted away from our goals. There are ways that HOPE Wellness Institute can help you keep on track with your resolutions.
Let’s start with one of the most common ways that resolutions get knocked off track; you start a new exercise program with lots of gusto and little preparation and end up hurt, sore or both. Sound familiar? Pulled hamstrings, sciatica, muscles in spasm and “thrown out” backs often put us back on the sidelines and sofas. This is where massage therapy can come into play. Massage can help:
•Avoid injuries by reducing adhesions in the muscles and preparing them for strenuous activities.
•Restore balance to the musculature of the body so that muscle groups are not working against each other causing a restricted range of motion.
•Increase muscle health by bringing circulation to ischemic muscles.
•Treat acute and sub-acute strains and sprains with lymphatic massage to reduce swelling and relieve trigger points that may have resulted from a recent injury.
•Provide a balance to any training program with regular maintenance of muscular balance and range of motion.
Another favorite promise to ourselves at this time of year is to eat better, diet and lose weight. These, sometimes drastic, dietary changes are difficult to maintain for a variety of reasons: lifestyle, time management, budget constraints, allergies, and will power to name just a few. Again, you can look to HOPE for help in addressing some of the issues that may be creating roadblocks to your dietary and weight goals. Low Light Laser Therapy (LLLT) can help:
•Boost your metabolism to allow your body to naturally shed more pounds and support the dietary changes you desire to make.
•Show you how your body and mind are processing what you are taking in, and help develop a personal plan based on your individual needs.
•Overcome food allergies to eliminate the need to always be careful with what you eat.
•Correct vitamin and/or mineral deficiencies allowing your body to absorb and use nutrients more effectively.
•Strengthen your resolve by teaching you how to break bad habits and get the support you need to succeed.
No matter what your resolutions are and how you work to reach them, HOPE would like to remind all their clients and friends that balance is the key. We are used to taking care of everyone else’s needs in our homes and workplaces, and not as practiced in taking care of ourselves. Remember that that is what resolutions are about at their core: promises to care for ourselves. It doesn’t always have to take the shape of physical balance, but can also be mental and emotional balance. If nothing else this year be sure to dedicate downtime in your life to accomplish mental balance.
HOPE Wellness Institute is always here as a resource to help you reach balance in your life. Give us a call today to learn more about our therapeutic massage and low light laser therapy services.