Diabetes: Massage and Low Light Laser Therapy
By: Sarah Mertyris, CMT. & Lisa Sullivan, NSRT
Twenty-five million Americans are diabetic. Another 79 million are pre-diabetic. With those kinds of statistics, it’s a rare day that we don’t have someone on our massage table affected by this disease. Very few are here to treat their diabetes with massage, yet they reap the benefits regardless.
According to WebMD, there are seven ways to prevent or delay diabetes or its complications:
1. Exercise.
2. Weight loss.
3. See your doctor more often.
4. Eat a healthy diet.
5. Get support and get informed.
6. Make sleep a priority.
7. Upgrade your outlook.
Let’s go through all seven of these lifestyle changes and explain how either massage, LLLT or both can help you avoid or delay diabetes.
1. If you are a regular HOPE newsletter reader, you are very familiar with how massage can help make EXERCISE easier, more effective, or simply possible for our clients. Breaking up adhesions in the muscles, improving circulation, and bringing balance to the musculature of the body can help individuals get out there and reach activity goals needed to combat diabetes. Our Low Light Laser Therapy (LLLT) can support this as well by by reducing inflammation, and supporting joints, ligaments, and connective tissue.
2. In addition to helping make exercise easier, massage can increase body awareness and enhance body image in order to motivate people towards WEIGHT LOSS. Our LLLT has protocols
designed specifically for weight loss, as well as the ability to show you what foods are impeding your success, how your body is processing your food, and how to support and boost your metabolism. intake.
3. When you see your massage therapist regularly, they get familiar with the “terrain” of your body. We often ask about bruising and sores found during the course of a massage to make sure the client is aware that they are there. Discoveries like these can lead you to SEE YOUR DOCTOR MORE OFTEN for early detection of potential conditions like neuropathy, edema, and peripheral artery disease (PAD).
4. EATing A HEALTHY DIET can be greatly enhanced with the help of LLLT, which can detect nutritional imbalances and intolerances in your body. With the help of the Aura’s diagnostic program, we can see if any of the systems in the body are under-performing and recommend the necessary homeopathic supplements that will help bring your systems back into balance, as well as support your body as it transitions into your new diet of choice.
5. Living with any chronic disease can cause emotional as well as physical stress. Depression and anxiety both respond very well to massage and LLLT Treatments. You can come to HOPE Wellness Institute to GET SUPPORT AND GET INFORMED. If we don’t have a
service that meets your needs, we have a network of talented health professionals that we can refer you to.
6. Massage can help you MAKE SLEEP A PRIORITY, as massage has been shown to improve sleep in several different studies. There are also specific protocols with the LLLT that address sleep disorders so that you can get the rest your body needs to repair and rebuild.
7. At HOPE Wellness Institute, we believe in the power of the mind and its ability to improve health and wellness just by having a positive outlook. We are here to help you UPGRADE YOUR OUTLOOK at every step of the way. With the use of charting and SOAP notes, we can show you your progress over time.
HOPE Wellness Institute is here to support you and your physician’s plan for care to combat diabetes. The more health professionals you have on your team, the better chance you have to make the necessary lifestyle changes needed to reduce your risk of getting diabetes, as well as reduce the effects of complications from the disease. We can provide massage and LLLT Treatments to improve function, digestion, circulation and nerve flow. HOPE is here to help you stay active, positive and supported.
Referenced Materials:
“Diabetes and Massage: Translating the Evidence” – Massage & Bodywork, January/February 2012. Author: Diana Thompson.
http://diabetes.webmd.com/features/prediabetes-diagnosis what-to-do
Our Recommendation
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Grapefruit has a fresh, citrus aroma that is energizing and uplifting. Rich in the powerful antioxidant d-limonene, it is nourishing to the skin. Like many coldpressed citrus oils, it is a popular oil to use in conjunction with weight management programs. Grapefruit may also be used to enhance the flavor of food and water.
We have Lemongrass oil on hand, so call and order yours today!